Neoklis Kyriazis

Welcome to my RiscOS Homepage

Contents of my Homepage

I have the following three applications for RiscOS in my Webpages:

GpsNav is a driver/interface for the Rockwell Microtracker(tm) LP GPS Receiver module. This module is intended for evaluation by designers of GPS navigation equipment, however it is also suitable for use by experimenters. It is a small unit and it is supplied complete with power supply, antenna, cables and comprehensive manual. GpsNav communicates with Microtracker(tm) LP via the serial port, displays much useful data from the receiver, and can also send a number of commands for self-test, initialization and configuration.

Go to the GpsNav information and download page.

WacomTest is a test and configuration application for Wacom graphics tablets. It communicates with the tablet via the serial port and can read and display pointer data (position, pressure, tilt) and button status. It can also read or write the current settings of the tablet, as well as those in the memories. It supports the Wacom IV and Wacom IVe command sets.

Go to the WacomTest information and download page.

flatMouse is a mouse emulator module that is driven by a Wacom tablet. It supports the Wacom IV and IVe command sets and ROM version 1.2 up of the UD series tablets. It provides emulation for all three RiscOS mouse buttons via the pointer's switches. It can also provide up to 48 keyboard shortcuts derived from the function menustrip available on most tablets. flatMouse adapts automatically to the current screen resolution and the type of tablet in use.

Go to the flatMouse information and download page.

Please contact me by smail at:

Neoklis Kyriazis
Feakon 4
Cyprus 3117

for any comments or bug reports, as I dont' have an Internet connection any more.

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